White paper: intentionally added microplastics are officially banned

Where do we go from here?

Sustainability continues to be a signification focus in the European Union. On September 25th new measures addressing microplastics were introduced. These measures came into effect on October 25th, with a transition period for specific product types. This period allows producers to make necessary adjustments to their products, removing or replacing the microplastics with fully biodegradable alternatives.

Manufacturers aiming to comply with these regulations must take one of two actions: either entirely remove microplastics from their products or provide proof of biodegradation through an independent third-party testing laboratory.

White paper: intentionally added microplastics are officially banned

In the white paper:

  • You will learn about microplastics and see what types of products are affected by the regulation;
  • A detailed timeline indicating when the regulation comes into effect;
  • You will learn about the tests required to prove biodegradability of microplastics within products, as described in Annex XVII of No 1907/2006 REACH regulation.

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      These measures have a broad impact, encompassing a wide range of products that release microplastics in the environment, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Such products include:

    • Microbeads for cosmetics;
    • Glitter;
    • Infill for sporting fields;
    • Detergents;
    • Chemicals;
    • Fertilizer coatings;
    • And more.

    How Normec OWS can assist you

    With many years of experience in the field of biodegradability testing, Normec OWS can help you to select the best tests based on the nature and composition of your product and see where the test program can be optimized and possibly reduced, saving time and money. Depending on your preferences and the expected degradation rate of your product, tests can be started simultaneously or following a step-by-step approach.

    Once the testing strategy has been defined, testing can begin. With 3,500+ test reactors available in Belgium and the US, all testing can be started immediately. There is no lead time at Normec OWS. Once all tests have been performed, Normec OWS will write an executive summary which provides a top-level summary of the complete testing program.